Did someone say, daddy?

Did someone say, daddy?

55km trail? Sign me up! Run for 48 hours along the same route? Oh my gosh, absolutely.

I mean, let's be real, a lot of us have a few screws loose, right? My mom asked me the other day why I run. I told her it was because of my outstanding daddy issues that I’m still trying to work through. She seemed oddly satisfied with my response. Makes sense, right?

But honestly, daddy issues have nothing on Covid. I’m not sure why everyone was so concerned about COVID-19 when the real epidemic we’re all battling is the insufferable 'daddy issues.' Seriously, it’s probably one of the most productive epidemics out there. After all, it has me out running 100km trail races to cure my abandonment issues. Talk about turning lemons into ultra-marathons.

Anyway, what I’m really trying to say is this: if you don't have a daddy, be a daddy. Get out there, put on your running shoes, and channel all that unresolved emotional baggage into something productive. Because, in the end, we're all just running from something—or maybe towards something better. So, lace up, hit the trails, and remember, a little crazy goes a long way.